On the 16th of july 1984 Trespassers W’s name was put down in the trade register of the Chamber of Commerce in The Hague, filed as 109578 (now changed into: 271095780000).
Initially Cor Gout , founder of this one-man company, wanted to produce a magazine which could function as a medium for the various initiatives, which at the time occurred in the field of the multimedia and transgressive arts.
This magazine, Trespassers W, tried to open new ground in its themes and in its approach to the subject matter.
With this aim the editors found alliance with the multimedia experiments in the arts at the time.
The mix of language- and sign-games appeared to be the way to break the existing borders and conventions. The first issue of Trespassers W, which came out in 1984, consisted of contributions of about twenty artists or writers, originating from various countries and art disciplines. The name ‘Trespassers W’ was derived from a passage from A.A. Milne’s classic children’s book ‘Winnie the Pooh’. After some time the fellow workers of the magazine wished to do more than just to point out new developments in the world of the arts. They wanted to put their multimedia ideas into practice by creating or organizing arts and by supporting initiatives of others.
In other words: Trespassers W developed into an organization which made, exposed, distributed and supported multimedia and transgressive arts. In 1984 these ideas and aims were notarized and from then on Trespassers W was also a corporation, put down in the trade register of the Chamber of Commerce in The Hague, filed as S 154021 (now changed into: 411540221) In 1986, the Dutch Ministry of Culture (then called WVC), for this purpose advised by the Dutch Arts Council (Raad van de Kunst), gave a token of faith in Trespassers W’s concept and activities by awarding a grant of ƒ.35000 for the three most important pillars of the organization: the magazine, the music and the cultural organization. Up until now the publishing company and the corporation Trespassers W have tried to realize their ambitions through a variety of publications, musical productions, video productions, literary events and productions, performances, contributions to activities of others, services and collaborations.

II-Music productions
see: ‘Discography‘

III-Video productions
1-Trespassers W/Ada Fesevur: see ‘Catalogue‘
2-Trespassers W/Heiner Holtappels
a-Bunker/Limelight, 1987
Images of the band Trespassers W rehearsing in The Bunker (Rotterdam, mixed with live-footage of a Trespassers W live concert at the Limelight Culture and Youth Club in Kortrijk, Belgium
b-Mascara Cara, 1987
A collage of images+cut-up version of a 1986 Trespassers W song
c-TV World, 1988
Sound collage for a story about a young girl in the process of becoming a woman, viewed from the angles of perception and manipulation.
d-Laan van Meerdervoort, 1996
Images of a street in The Hague, snow and the projected lyrics of the song ‘Laan van Meerdervoort’ projected.

IV-Radio productions
From july the 9th, 1990 up to and including march the 30th, 1993, Trespassers W produced, under the name of ‘Mondain Den Haag’, 91 radio programmes on arts and politics for the The Hague local radio Lokatel.
By the end of 1990 some other local and free Dutch and Belgian radio stations showed their interest in the programmes. So, since early 1991, Radio Mondain Den Haag was not only broadcasted in The Hague, but also in Antwerp (Radio Central), Nijmegen (Radio Rataplan), Rotterdam (Radio Razor) and Amsterdam (Radio Patapou).
Most Mondain Den Haag programmes were based on a theme, connected with the guest in the studio, some topic or a point of interest of one of the three editors (Cor Gout , Frank van den Bos and Peter Bos).
A recurrent item in the programmes were the live-sessions, performed by groups, solo-musicians, sound-artists, voice-artists or poets. From these sessions two compilations came out on cassette (see: Catalogue). After the co-operation between Trespassers W and Radio Lokatel had been stopped, the editors of Mondain Den Haag produced another 22 programmes (92-113) at their home studio in The Hague.
The live sessions and interviews for these programmes were recorded for a live audience at the Doornroosje Café in Nijmegen.
This series of programmes was also broadcasted in Nijmegen, Antwerp, Amsterdam and Rotterdam.
For a complete table of contents of the radio Mondain Den Haag programmes, see: Radio (Mondain Den Haag)

see: ‘Catalogue‘.

see: ‘Biography‘ and ‘Cor Gout Solo Performances‘.

VII-Multimedia theatre
Vlucht Over den Haag (Flight Over The Hague): multimedia theatre based on the story of Trespassers W’s 1991 LP ‘Roots and Locations’. The story is about a boy growing up in The Hague, learning to live with the differences, the morals and the stories of his home town.
A short version of this ‘opera’ was performed in Amsterdam (1995), an excerpt was shown at the Cadans Dance festival in The Hague (1996) and the definite (long) version was staged at the Korzo Theatre in The Hague, produced by Korzo with financial support from the City Council of the Hague and the Anjer (Carnation) Foundation.
Amsterdam, Paradiso, Tribühne, 19/3/1995:
Trespassers W, Vlucht Over Den Haag (35 minutes), with: Cor Gout (vocals), Lukas Simonis (guitar), Colin McClure (bass), Frank van den Bos (piano), Cor Hoogerdijk (drums), Marcel Aartsen (trombone), Peter Haex (trombone), Erik van der Jagt (storyteller) and Ada Fesevur (video).
Den Haag, Theater aan het Spui, City Mapping, Cadans festival 1996, 10, 11, 12/11/1996; Laan van Meerdervoort, excerpt from ‘Vlucht Over den Haag’, with: Cor Gout (vocals, movement), Eddie Kagie (movement), Dolf Planteijdt (bass), Cor Hoogerdijk (percussion), Peter Haex (trombone), Henk Bakker (clarinet) and Heiner Holtappels (video). Director: Thom Stuart.
Den Haag, Korzo, 10,11,12,13/3/1999:
Vlucht Over den Haag, een veelkunstig spektakel (a many artsy spectacle) (80 minutes) with: Cor Gout (vocals, performance), Eddie Kagie (storyteller, performance), Lukas Simonis (guitar, mandoline, ukelele, performance), Ronnie Krepel (bass, keyboards, performance), Jeffrey Bruinsma (violin, performance), Cor Hoogerdijk (drums, percussion, performance), Heiner Holtappels (spectacle, video), Thom Stuart (dance, direction), Rinus Sprong (direction).
Scheveningen, Hartbeach Café, 25/9/1999
Scheveningen, Theater Op Zolder, 11/12/2002:
Scheveningen, De Vloek, 5/5/2002
A series of performances, to be continued in 2002, containing discussions on political issues concerning the coastal village of Scheveningen, informal talks, exhibitions, literary performances, music ands songs, films and soundscapes based on the past, present and future of Scheveningen.
The first programme in the series resulted in the book with CD ‘Scheveningen, op locatie’ (TW 1025)
Den Haag, Theater Zeebelt, 26/10-2/11/03
Vlissingen, De Piek, 6/12/03
Amsterdam, Paradiso, 11/1/04
Ieplaan (Elm’s Avenue), a mixed media musical (60 minutes) With: Bas den Boer (film, lighting, scenery), Cor Gout (script, song-lyrics, voice), Ronnie Krepel (music), Witte van der Veen (sounds), Rita Hausherr, Ilse Froklage, Eddie Kagie, R.H. Bekker (performance) and Trespassers W (=Ronnie Krepel, Witte van der Veen and Bart Vos: accompaniment).
Den Haag, Indonesisch (Indonesian) Restaurant De Poentjak in Den Haag: Live in (at) De Poentjak.
Een reeks multi-disciplinaire uitvoeringen, films en interviews (literatuur, muziek, film) op iedere eerste zondag van de maand. Organisatie: Cor Gout en Eric de Vries (a series of multi-disciplinary performances, films and interviews -literature, music, film- on every first Sunday of the month. Organization: Cor Gout and Eric de Vries).

VIII-Trespassers W, The Book
Cor Gout , Trespassers’ Trips, Verslagen van Afdwalingen (Reports of Wanderings) in the series ‘De Kunst van het Afhaken’ (The Art of Unhooking), Baal Productions, 1996.
Report of the Trespassers W tours and a few phantasms of the author.
Sittard, Theater Sirkel 6/12/96
Rotterdam, Dodorama, Ver uit de Maat Festival 22/12/96

Trespassers W supported the following magazines:
Opscene, 1987
De Nieuwe Weelde, 1988
De Nieuwe Koekrand, 1988
Poste Restante, 1989-1991
Gonzo Circus, 1992
Brain Drain Diskmagazine, 1992-1994
Fake, 1998
Kraakpen, 2001
Extaze, 2011

1-PAN (Pop Archive Netherlands), active since 1987 Projects:
a- NOS-TV-series Get Back (13 parts), 1989
b- Den Haag, Museon -exposition ,Van De Straat (From the Streets), 150 Years of Youth Culture, 1991
c- Den Haag, Schlemmer , Tof of Sof (Hit or Miss) , pop-game, 1992
d- Amsterdam, Sleepin/Arena , Etters in de Ether (Asses in the Ether), exposition and series of radioprogrammes (‘Radio Sleepout’) on the history of free radio in the Netherlands, 1992
2-Stichting Chladni, Centre of actual music and sound arts in Rotterdam (1988)
list of names, adresses and telephone/fax numbers of bands and organizations in the not-commercial rock circuit.
4-Stichting X, collaboration of 10 subcultural organizations in The Netherlands and Belgium under the auspices of de NOS/De Bovenbouw (Dutch national radio programme), 1990-91
5-SUB (Stichting Underground Benelux) Projects:
a-SUB versus Fascisme (Fascism) (multi-media-programme at Het Paard, Den Haag), 1992
b-SUB versus Kunst (Arts) (idem), 1992
c-SUB versus 1993 (idem), 1993
d-Punt./Punkt. achter fascisme (Full stop behind fascism) (multimedia evening at Iets Vrijers, Den Haag), 1993