1. Burn It Down
7″ EP, 33 RPM, TW 1001 (NL), 1984A-1: Burn It DownB-1: Final Curtain; 2: The Saga Of AdaComp.: A1, B1, B2: Wim Oudijk, Cor GoutProd.: Wim Oudijk (Disco Fair, The Hague)Musicians: Wim Oudijk (keyboards), Cor Gout (vocals) Recensie’s
7″ EP, 33 RPM, TW 1001 (NL), 1984A-1: Burn It DownB-1: Final Curtain; 2: The Saga Of AdaComp.: A1, B1, B2: Wim Oudijk, Cor GoutProd.: Wim Oudijk (Disco Fair, The Hague)Musicians: Wim Oudijk (keyboards), Cor Gout (vocals) Recensie’s
LP, 33 RPM, TW 1002 (NL), 1985A-1: Echoes Of Rhodesia, 2: Career Opportunity, 3: Mascara Cara, 4: Versailles, 5: Straight MadnessB-1: Holland Park Restaurant, 2: Sexual Blackmail, 3: Living In The Hague, 4: Pregnant, 5: SilenceComp.: Wim Oudijk, Cor GoutProd.: Wim Oudijk (Disco Fair, The Hague, NL)Musicians: Cor Gout…
12″ EP, 45 RPM, TW 1003 (NL), 1986A-1: Paris In Between The Wars, 2: Le Diable Est AnglaiseB-1: B-sides, 2: Blitzkrieg BopComp.: A2, A5, A6, B3, B4, B5: Ronnie Krepel, Cor Gout, A1, B1: Wim Oudijk, Cor Gout ; A2: J. M. Rivière, G. Bourgeois, C. Gout; B2: The…
LP, DEAD MAN’S CURVE (DMC)-022 (U.K.), 1987A-1: Contras, 2: Melancholy Man; 3: Echoes Of Rhodesia, 4: Spit And Sawdust, 5: Mascara Cara, 6: Another Country, 7: Neanderthal Woman ReplicaB-1: Tentative Lovesong, 2: Living In The Hague, 3: Chickenfarm, 4: B-sides, 5: Coventry, 6: Picking Flowers In Afghanistan, 7: Faraway…
CASSETTE C23, TW 1004 (NL), 1987A-1: introduction by Dirk Steenhaut, 2: Headshrinker, 3: Jealousy, 4: No New YorkB-1: Neverland, 2: Pregnant, 3: Brel, 4: BoundariesComp.: A2: Simonis, Gout; A3, A4, B4: Lukas Simonis, Ronnie Krepel, Hayo den Boeft, Frank van den Bos, Cor Gout (Trespassers W); B1, B2: Wim…
2xLP, TW 1005 (NL), 1988A-1: Whistle Down The Wind, 2: Bite You In The Heel, 3: Jealousy, 4: Pine In The Wood, 5: Melancholy Man, 6: Nostalgia (I)B-1: No New York, 2: Brel, 3: Mr. Verdoux, 4: Dentures For A GoddessC-1: Schooldays, 2: Youth Culture, 3: TV-World, 4: Headshrinker,…
LP, TW 1006/ADM 7975 (NL), 1989re-release: Cassette, A Contresens, AC007K7 (F), 1996 (+ extra tracks)A-1: Tenderness, 2: Domela, 3: Ceaucescu’s Dream, 4: Check Mates, 5: Shall We Dance?B-1: PotemkinComp.: A1, A2: Frank van den Bos, Cor Gout ; A3: Attila the Stockbroker, Cor Gout ; A4: Lukas Simonis, Ronnie…
7″ EP, 45 RPM, TW 1007/ADM 6975 (NL), 1989A-Medley: Macht Kaputt Was Euch Kaputt Macht (a)/Einheitsfrontlied (b)/Shell Yell (c)B-1: Rock Hudson, 2: YouComp.: A(a): Ton, Steine, Scherben; A(b): Kurt Weill, Bertold Brecht; A(c): Lukas Simonis, Ronnie Krepel, Frank van den Bos, Peter Bos, Cor Gout (Trespassers W); B1, B2:…
CASSETTE, C46, 1st release: UNDERGROUND PRODUCTIONS: SUB 19 (F), 1990re-release PROGRESSIVE ENTERTAINMENT: PE 13 (G), 1994A-1: Intro/Aimez-vous Trespassers W?, 2: Cult Hero, 3: Jack And Jill Here And Now, 4: Fin De Siècle, 5: Ice Cream Man, 6: Zero A No Go, 7: Career Opportunity, 8: Nostalgia (II)B-1: Shell-Yell,…
MAXI-EP/MINI -LP, 10″, TW 1008 (NL), 1991A-1: Kinder, 2: Neverland, 3: Ice Cream Man, 4: Nostalgia (III)B-1: Tenderness, 2: Trespassers W, 3: Rock Little RochusComp.: A1: Bettina, Wegner; A2: Wim Oudijk, Cor Gout ; A3: Lukas Simonis, Frank van den Bos, Cor Gout ; A4, B2: Ronnie Krepel, Cor…
LP, TW 1009/ADM 18975 (NL), 1991A-1: The Man, 2:White Russians, 3: The Boy, 4: The Park, 5: The Room, 6: Chinese CandymanB-1: The Neighbour, 2: Hexio Perfectio De La Luxe, 3: The City, 4: The Memorial, 5: The Scala, 6: Reprise The ManComp.: A1, A4, A5, A6, B3, B6:…
Split-EP with Antoine Molaire et l’Ensemble Pandorra, Bene Gesserit and X Ray Pop, 7″-EP, 45 RPM, TW 1012/ADM 19975 (NL), 1991B-1: l’OpérationComp.: J. Lanzmann, J. DutroncProd.: Dolf Planteijdt (Koeienverhuur/ADM, Amsterdam, NL)Musicians: Cor Gout (vocals), Ronnie Krepel (guitar), Frank van den Bos (keyboards), Hayo den Boeft (bass), Peter Bos (drums)
LP, TW 1014 (NL), 1993A-1: Bodega Slavia, 2: I Could Have Lived Here, 3: F.E.A.R., 4: Riefenstahl, 5: Mobilized, 6: The GardenB- 1: Department Store, 2: Betrayal, 3: Uncle Wanja, 4: Taboo, 5: Munch, 6: Egg-Song, 7: The Sea And The MoonComp.: A1, A4, B1, B7: Frank van den…
With Deux Baleines Blanches (G)7″-EP, 45 RPM, TW 1015 (NL), 1993A-1: NussfarbenComp.: Ronnie Krepel, Cor GoutProd.: Trespassers W, Boris Hanzer (B-Orange Studio, Düsseldorf, G)Musicians: Cor Gout (vocals), Ronnie Krepel (keyboards, guitar), Hayo den Boeft (bass, tapes), Frank van den Bos (keyboards), Bas den Boer (percussion), Fritz Sitterle (bass clarinet).
7″-EP, 45 RPM, ND 02 (USA), 1993A-1: Boekelaar, BackB-1: Breath, 2: Mausoleum In Sofia (Dutch version)}Comp.: A1: Ronnie Krepel, Cor Gout ; B1: Hayo den Boeft, Cor Gout ; B2: Cor GoutProd.: Wil Heze (Farmsound Studio, Heelsum, NL)Musicians: Cor Gout (vocals ; tapes B2), Ronnie Krepel (guitar A1, B1;…
0rganic.land.free.fr/pages/eng/catglyp.htm Cassette, C50, Organic (org_land@nullclub-internet.fr) OT041 (F), 1993A-1: Who’s Afraid Of Red Yellow And Blue?, 2: Straight Madness, 3: Carmen Miranda, 4: We Know Where Paul Ricketts Lives, 5: Genius, 6: Zwarte Panter, 7: Us Abe, 8: Koning Van Crooswijk, 9: TreesB-1: Dag Visserke Vis, 2: Vlooien Dromen Ook,…
7″-EP, 45 RPM, Bright Green Records 7006 (USA), 1994A-1: Hexio Perfectio de la Luxe (1991/1993)B-1: Virtual World War III (Radio-session VPRO 1993), 2: Tourbillon de la Vie (1993)Information track by trackA-1:Comp.: Lukas Simonis, Peter Bos, Cor GoutProd.: Dolf Planteijdt, Koeienverhuur/ADM, Amsterdam, NL, 1993; re-mix: Koeienverhuur/ADM, Haarlem 1993Musicians: Cor Gout…
CD, AMF 1045 (G.) (rknieps@nullmetronet.de), 1996 (in co-operation with OPULENCE, U.S.A.)1: Kite in Weimar, 2: Come Fling Down With Me, 3: Artemesia Gentileschi, 4: The Lost Souls, 5: Sehnsucht, 6:Saint-Ex, 7: John Daniels Pressed The Bulb, 8: Toads Are Trippy, 9: The Day When The Stones Raided Scheveningen, 10:…
The Conspiracy7″ EP, 33 RPM, PINK LEMON PINK 003 (G.), 1998A-1: Laan van Meerdervoort; 2: Sonia Szewcjyk’s Ballet SchoolComp.: A1: Dolf Planteijdt, Cor Gout ; A2: Lukas Simonis, Cor GoutProd.: Dolf Planteijdt (Koeienverhuur, Purmerend, NL)Musicians: Cor Gout (vocals), Lukas Simonis (guitar), Dolf Planteijdt (bass), Cor Hoogerdijk (drums), Peter Haex (trombone on…
7″ Single, 45 RPM, Moloko+ (Plus) 011 (G.), 1998A-1: Save the Dormouse B-1: Sleepy DormouseComp.: A1: Ronnie Krepel, Cor Gout B1: Markham Lee, Ronnie Krepel, Frans Friederich, Lewis Carroll, Cor GoutProd.: A1: Ronnie Krepel, Camille Dings; B1: Ronnie Krepel, Frans Friederich, Camille DingsEngineering: Camille DingsMusicians: Cor Gout (vocals), Ronnie…
organic.land.free.fr/pages/eng/catorg.htm CD, Organic: OCD05 (Fr.), 1999/2000(Prologue) 1: Royal Star Bazoonya (instrumental); (I-The Lighthouse) 2: The Lighthouse Keeper, 3: The Lighthouse, 4: De Vloek van Westerschouwen, (II-The Letter) 5: Letter to Grandpa, 6: Pages from Mahler’s Diary, 7: Space for Thoughts, (III-Holes (1989)), 8: Hole in Flat Surface, 9: Beckett Dies,…
CD, SNOWDONIA/TW (It./NL), 20001: De Vuurtorenwachter, lied, 2: De Vuurtorenwachter, declamatie, 3 (a & b): De Kamer, lied en declamatie, 4: Betsie De Olifant, lied, 5: De Haagse Dierentuin, declamatie, 6: De Dierentuin Tango, muziek en stemmen, 7: Hexio Perfectio De La Luxe, declamatie en lied, 8: De Pindachinees, declamatie,…
CD, WITH FAKE-MAGAZINE #8/TW 1024/DIDI 1, 20011: Koning van Crooswijk, 2: Boekelaar, back, 3: Gazza, 4: Hollands Kwartiertje, 5: De Dirigent, 6: Us Abe, 7: Zwarte Panter, 9: Bergkamp.Comp.:1, 4, 6: Van den Bos, Gout; 2, 5, 7: Krepel, Gout; 3, 8: Hoogerdijk, GoutProd.: Camille Dings/Trespassers W (Sub Aqua)Engineering:…
10″-EP, PINK LEMON: PINK 015 (G.), 2001A: Rouge-side:1: Blitzkrieg Bop, 2: Salvation Army Citadel, 3: Le Rouge Et Le Noir, 4: The Day Before You CameB: Paul-side:1: Song From Under The Floorboards, 2: Effervescing Elephant, 3: We Know Where Paul Ricketts LivesComp.:A1: The Ramones; A2: Jimmy Campbell; A3: Claude…
CD WITH BOOK ‘SCHEVENINGEN, OP LOCATIE’, TW 1025 (NL), 20011: De Vuurtoren, 2: Het Gedenkmonument, 3: De Dag Dat The Stones Scheveningen Aandeden, 4: Boekelaar, Back, 5: Bomen, 6: De Vloek Van WesterschouwenComp.:1, 3: Simonis, Gout; 2, 4: Krepel, Gout; 5: Van den Bos, Gout; 6: Bos, GoutProd.: Camille…
CD, Somnimage: SOM 0007 (USA), 20021 : Okay , 2: Barmaid, 3: Casual Sex In Halifax, 4: Sweet Pea, 5: Cyberporn Revolution, 6: Newly In Stock, 7: Tubular Belles, 8: Banana Story , 9: Stiletto, 10: Bananalities, 11: We Are The Champions, 12: La Revue Nègre, 13: Shadow Of…
2xCD, Mecanique Populaire: AMR 001, 2003 (Fr.)Disc 1:LP Straight Madness (2)Disc 2:EP Burn it down (1)EP Paris in between the wars (3)Demo’s:Versailles #1, Versailles #2, Mascara Cara, B-Sides, Holland Park Restaurant, Straight Madness(instr.), Another Country; Neverland (track from the compilation-LP ‘Music from the Dead Zone’)
CD, Mecanique Populaire: AMR 002, 2003 (Fr.)a-LP Pretty Lips Are Red (4)b-Cassette The Ghost of the Jivaro Warrior (5)
29. Trespassers W presenteert Ieplaan CD, TW 1026 (NL), 2003 1: Intro, 2 -Het Geheim, 3: Geluiden (Sounds), 4: Dwalend als een nomade, 5: Geluiden, 6: Even en ik zweef, 7: Dienstje, 8: Geluiden, 9: De muziek verandert alles,10: Geluid van de Ieplaan (Sound of the Ieplaan, 11: Miss…
30. The Drugs We All NeedCD, Somnimage: SOM 00013 (USA), 20041: Eyes To Drink From, 2: Roadmaster Eldorado, 3: Viva La Corrida, 4: Coco And Igor, 5: Coffee Blues, 6: Dumbo’s Dream, 7: Make Me Sad, 8: From Syd To Lib, 9: I’m Not Going To Stay Here For…
31. The Noble Folly Of Rock’n’rollCD, Somnimage: SOM 00014 (USA), 2006 1: Look you don’t see what you see, 2: Dancing Teacher, 3: Chick-a-boom, 4: Cat Man, 5: Anything else?, 6: Do the don’t, 7: Roy, 8: Tokki Bar, 9: Goon, 10: Maureen, 11: Belle Nuit, 12: The mole,…
32. Dummy 2xCD box2xCD, Mecanique Populaire, AMR 004 (Fr.), 2009 CD 1: LP Dummy (4)CD 2: Contributions to compilations 1.Mr. Verdoux -version 1, Via Ritmo Session, Rotterdam (1987), released on Notre Dame vol. 3, EE-cassette, Belgium (1989)2.Supplied by Clive (Pattison, Gout), Via Ritmo Session (1987), released on Sad Poppy…
33 One-sided LP, TW Records 2027 (NL) 20141-Berlin, Berlin (traditional); 2-Blonde Venus (Krepel, Gout); 3-Marlene (Meysing, Gout); 4-Space for thoughts (Krepel, Simonis, Gout); 5-I can see you (Krepel, Gout); 6-Chile (Bos, Gout); 7-Malieveld (song: Van Markwijk, Gout; outro: Kroos) Cor Gout (vocals on all tracks); Ronnie Krepel (guitar on…
34. Aimez-vous Potemkin 2xCD2 x CD, Mecanique Populaire AMR 005/TW Records 2028 (FR./NL) 2014 CD1: The Potemkin Sessions 1- Life in death (Krepel); 2- Tenderness (Van den Bos, Gout); 3- Domela (Van den Bos, Gout); 4- Ceausescu’s dream (Baine, Gout); 5- Czech mates (Van den Bos, Krepel, Simonis, Gout);…
35. The Stowaway ep, 7″ vinyl, 33 rpm, TW Records 2029 (NL), 2016 A1- Save the stowaway (Krepel, Gout)2- One minute song (Krepel, Gout)3- Coleman at the Mephisto (Simonis, Gout) B1- Vaarwel Angelina (Dylan, Gout)2- Liedje van Prévert (Gainsbourg, Gout)
CD, TW Records 0000 (NL), 2020Sound design, music: Frans Friederich, Lukas Simonis; voice: Cor Gout. Produced by Lukas Simonis and Frans Friederich at the Worm/Klangendumstudio, Rotterdam 2020, Studio L65, Rotterdam 2020
CD/LP, TW Records 2030, Somnimage (USA), Red Wig 052, 2020 LP: I-1: Koala, 2) Black Cat, 3)Wild Boar, 4) The Song of the Songthrush, 5)Squirrel; II-1: Panther, 2) The Song of the Bandar Log, 3) King Frog, 4) Peacock’s Deceit, 5)The Trail of the HedgehogCD: same as LP 1-10…