Counterculture then and now
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zondag 2 juni 2 uur lees meer
18 januari 2024 19h00 Deuren 19h55-20h10 Suzan Peeters 20h15-20h30 Hanne De Backer 20h45-21h15 Cor Gout & Unit Moebius 21h30-22h30 Alex Deforce & Charlotte Jacobs
This Dutch ensemble, active since the eighties, gives free rein to its artistic visions, in the footsteps of Syd Barrett and Kevin Ayers. After their “Sex Drugs and Rock’n’Roll” trilogy, they appear with this new discographic birth centered on the animal world. A bizarre bestiary that becomes a metaphor…
‘I’m watching you in a concert from last year on youtube as I type – it’s very good.’ Alan Jenkins (Cordelia Records, The Deep Freeze Mice and many other names for his bands/projects) ***** ‘The Koala-lp is beautiful and fully covered your performance in Deventer. Nicely fashioned, by the…
Cor Gout, Trespassers W l’Intégrale II RYTRUT, ISBN 978-2-9546441-9-6 592 pagesFormat: 17 x 24 cmHard cover / couverture cartonnée / impression quadri / four-color printingLyrics in English / Paroles en français / Songteksten in het NederlandsIncludes all record sleeves and more / Inclut les pochettes de disques et plus…
Verkrijgbaar als CD in juli 2022 en als LP in mei 2023.Ovidius zou er trots op zijn. (Ovid would be proud.) Trespassers W: Koala and other metamorphoses lp/cd (TW Records 2030, Somnimage, Red Wig 052), 2021 All vocal lines and lyrics except LP II-2 (Rudyard Kipling) and CD 12…
Trespassers W- Birde HopOn: Love You: A tribute to Syd Barrett (Gonzo Multimedia 2CD) “Birdie Hop, degli olandesi Trespassers W, ha un pulsare incalzante come un brano dei Suicide, la voce è stentorea ed ubriaca, accordi di slide guitar si incrociano con altri suoni sbilenchi.”(Marco Delfini)
In februari 2015 legde Cor Gout een bezoek af aan Jacques Ferrageau in Rijswijk. Na zijn vraag waar die Frans klinkende naam vandaan kwam, vertelde Jacques de geschiedenis van zijn familie, die reikte tot aan 1805, toen een chirurgijn in het leger van Napoleon met de troepen via Middelburg…
This new Trespassers W release (on 7” vinyl, 33 rpm) contains five songs. Three of them have been written by the band, two are covers of songs by respectively Bob Dylan and Serge Gainsbourg, the original lyrics translated into Dutch by Cor Gout.
One new release by Trespassers W, a one-sided LP called One-sided love-affair, containing six new tracks and one re-arranged track especially written for the Volkspaleis-festival in The Hague and performed in a huge former energy hall.Aimez-vous Potemkin is the fourth cd-reissue of early Trespassers W vinyl.Cd one consists of…
Dummy reissue 2 x cd (Mecanique Populaire, 2009)AMR 004Cd 1: Dummy LP (1988)Cd 2: bijdragen aan compilaties (1987-1991)Illustraties: Ronnie Krepel, Jef Benech, Caroline DahyotVormgeving: Jef BenechEQ-ing, remastering: Wim Oudijk, Guus van Leeuwen (Disco Fair, Den Haag)Coproductie Mecanique Populaire, TW RecordsWinkelprijs: € 15,00Via Trespassers W: € 15,00 + p&p/verzendkosten Trespassers…
Trespassers W – l’intégrale “Une vertèbre dans la culture underground” Cor Gout est le chanteur parolier de l’orchestre à géométrie variable Trespassers W, formé aux Pays-Bas en 1984, dont les disques sont sortis sur leur propre label et sur différents labels internationaux. Même si l’on ne connaît pas leur…
Available through Trespassers Wfor € 14,00 + p&p/verzendkosten The last part of the trilogy ‘Sex and drugs and rock’n’roll’, was released by Somnimage in the summer of 2006. The artwork was designed by Jef Benech of Mecanique Populare fame. The cd was recorded and produced by Lukas Simonis in…
Available through Trespassers Wfor € 14,00 + p&p/verzendkosten The second part of the trilogy ‘Sex and drugs and rock’n’roll’ was released by Somnimage in 2004. The artwork, representing collages with a swan and a cardboard Jean Simmons, was designed by Ronnie Krepel (ron.en.sas@nullplanet.nl). German half-yearly rock magazine Testcard (#15,…
“Trespassers W (nav optreden in Kalshnikov, Terneuzen): Groot zijn de mannen van woord en daad, int licht van de met bierglazen afdrukken getergde vloer van het podium in het inmiddels bij ingewijden bekende activiteitencentrum.” AHDilectus 2003″(Uit: ‘Nizagamah’, Terneuzen) In 2001 is het Franse label Mecanique Populaire begonnen met de…
Available through Trespassers W for€ 14,00 + p&p/verzendkosten)(including P & P) Trespassers W’s ‘Sex And The End Of It’, a concept-CD on the subject of ‘sex’ and the ‘end’ (double meaning) of it, the first album of a planned trilogy ‘sex and drugs and rock ‘n’ roll’, was released…
By popular demand the come-back of the: Dummy-T-shirts XL, XXL Navy blue with white prints available through Trespassers W for € 9,00 + p&p/verzendkosten Still available: Black T-shirts with red TW-logo X, XL, XXL available through Trespassers W for € 9,00 + p&p/verzendkosten